Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tsukeniko Inks and the Traditional Quilter

My experiment with inks, decorative thread and machine applique was almost done, but I missed something, just a little more black on the flower centre.....then all of a sudden the ink went everywhere! Yikes, I have black ink everywere on the quilt! It's on my cutting table, the floor and our little dog "Scooter"! Boy, did I run! I grabbed the quilt and the dog, ran downstairs to the deck, and thank goodness the hose was handy and I washed the quilt with cold water, not to mention the dog as well! The ink came out of the dog, but I still have a shadow effect on the border!
Hmmm.....thank goodness Scooter is black, but my border wasn't! Well, I guess this will be a teaching tool.....!
Remember, to always make sure you put the lid on........!
See you next time....

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